Road to Ikigai


I’m Sara. I explore diversity and support creativity to see glitters in people’s eyes.

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that combines the terms iki, meaning “life” and gai, meaning “worth”. Finding your ikigai means discovering purpose in life.

Let’s trace together your road to ikigai!


My Road to Ikigai.. 

I was stuck. Bored. Overwhelmed and super stressed.
From the outside everything was perfect. I had done everything I was supposed to do. But on the inside, i had this crazy desire of revolution. Almost like i wasn’t leaving my own life, but the life that other people expected me to live.

That’s how the journey started.
When i was a kid I was a big fan of “Alice in Wonderland”. I’m sure everybody is familiar with the book or the Disney cartoon. When Alice enters wonderland, all the crazy creatures that she meets keep asking her “Who are you?”. Her answer is always the same. “I’m Alice”.

I found it super fascinating, cause every-time people would ask me who am I I’ll be like: “I’m Sara. I studied math. I have a PhD and I work in a startup as data scientist. I’m the data girl”. But this is not me. Those are just the labels I felt so heavily stuck on my forehead for too long.

I was always doing what it was expected from me. People had great expectations and I started having them too. I actually felt conscious shaping my life, while i was increadibly unconscious. Stress was eating me, from the inside.

So one day I stepped out of all my comforts.
I took an important decision that changed my life completely. I went through an emotional earthquake, followed by an exciting and exhausting rollercoaster.  It was the “exploratory phase” of my life. I was scared at times but I was finally ready to build a path where the river could flow happily.

I dig in the past, discovered my fears, broke the patterns that left me stuck for so long. I explored in every single area of my life. I started playing drums, and ukulele. I went everywhere I was afraid to go. I did extreme sports and travelled in corona times. I met people, talked openly to all of them and I embraced the power of nature that surrounds me. I questioned my job, discovered my real interests and realised that a career in data science was not what made me happy. So I changed my job.

Fears lead to stress. Not facing them leads to more stress and this is how we all enter the stress loop.

I don’t escape my fears anymore. I face them immediately. And during this journey I even realised that - to deal with my stress, I just need to hike up the hill and feel the sounds of nature surrounding me. So i do stress yes, even now. But i’ve learnt how to deal with it. I use it. Stress is the fuel of my creativity and joy. 

Exploration was key to me. It made me realise who i am and where I want to go. I have a plan and when people ask me how i am I can finally answer “I’m Sara” with a big smile, full of joy.

Do you want to know who you are and where you are going? 

Here’s a little guide for you!

How to find your ikigai?

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that translates to "reason for being" or "purpose in life,". It involves understanding and aligning four key elements: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you discover your ikigai:

  1. Reflect on what you love ❤️: Take some time to explore your passions, interests, and hobbies. What activities make you feel excited, engaged, and fulfilled? Write down a list of things you genuinely enjoy doing.

  2. Identify your strengths 💪🏻: Consider your skills, talents, and natural abilities. What are you particularly good at? What tasks or activities do people often seek your help or advice for? Recognize your unique qualities and strengths.

  3. Understand what the world needs 🌎: Think about the problems, needs, or issues in your community or the world at large. What areas could benefit from improvement or support? Identify social, environmental, or other challenges that resonate with you.

  4. Determine what you can be paid for 💰: Explore different career paths, industries, or entrepreneurial opportunities that align with your skills and interests. Research the market demand for certain skills or services. Consider how you can contribute value and potentially earn a living.

  5. Look for the intersection ∞: Review the lists you've created in the previous steps and look for areas where they overlap. Pay attention to the points where your passions, skills, societal needs, and potential income intersect. These points of convergence indicate potential areas of your ikigai.

  6. Experiment and explore 🗺: Once you have identified potential areas of your ikigai, take action and experiment with different activities or projects. Engage in volunteer work, internships, or part-time jobs related to your interests. This will help you gain practical experience and clarify your true passions and strengths.

  7. Seek feedback and reflect 💭: Throughout your exploration, seek feedback from mentors, friends, or colleagues. They can provide valuable insights and perspectives on your strengths and areas of improvement. Reflect on your experiences and adjust your path accordingly.

Remember, finding your ikigai is a journey, and it may take time to discover and refine. Embrace the process, stay open-minded, and be willing to adapt and make changes along the way. Your ikigai may evolve as you grow and gain new experiences.

Email me to know more!


Here’s how we can work together:

Let’s chat & set expectations


In this 30 min online session, we will get to know each other.

I will explain you my idea of personal growth and we will
gain clarity about your needs and expectation.

Your Personalised Ikigai Program


You will receive your personalized road to ikigai program including physical and mental challenges.

You will have access to the community.

PLUS: 1 online 30 min sessions with me.


Your Vision & Roadmap


In this 60 min online session, we’ll create your vision and roadmap for the next 3 months, 1 year and beyond, so you can start to turn your big dreams into reality.

You'll receive a questionnaire to reflect beforehand.

Email Me to know more!
